Writing essays takes work. But if you need some help with them, you can read our article and find out the tips to write the best persuasive essay ever. Also, you can consider using
persuasive speech topics for college students as a good case, well-researched usually makes papers exciting and interesting to read.
What is a Persuasive Essay?
What makes a persuasive essay so special, and how it differs from other types of essays? Let us start with the term of a persuasive essay. It is the same as an argumentative essay, and it means that you should persuade your audience to adopt your visions and views. It is not easy to do, especially if you are unsure that you are an expert in a topic. This type of academic paper requires taking a specific position as an author that will support or reject the issue which is raised in a topic of a paper.
The purpose of an author will be to build a set of strong arguments that will let convincing readers that the opinion of an author is correct. Persuasive essays that become the most effective must contain checked information that supports and proves an author’s views. It is crucial to explain everything in a persuasive essay in a logical manner and arrange your thoughts clearly.
Follow the Algorithm for Writing a Persuasive Essay
Following a specific set of actions is crucial if you want to make the process of writing a persuasive essay effective and save your precious time. Consider the following stages:
- Read the manuals from a teacher and choose a topic that inspires you and makes you want to investigate it.
- Think over the ideas and try to be original. Do not repeat the statements of other authors related to the same case.
- Go through the materials that can contain supporting evidence and facts that will help you to get additional knowledge on the case.
- Generate the idea that seems to you the most powerful and convincing, and create the thesis statement.
- Structure and outline your paper to organize your thoughts. Below you will read more details about each element of a successful persuasive essay.
Catching Introduction
One of the main tips for writing a good persuasive essay is to pay attention to each structural element that is an obligatory part of and paper outline. First and foremost, you need to pay attention to an introduction that is a little part of an essay but serves essential purposes. By reading an introduction, your audience will decide it is worth reading the paper further. So, the main hacks for writing and a successful introduction for a persuasive essay are:
- Grab the attention of a reader with unexpected facts.
- Show your expertise in the topic to make readers sure that you have a good knowledge of the case.
- Present a thesis statement that will let readers understand the purpose of your essay.
The logical and Cohesive Main Body
As you have already presented the main statement in the introduction of your persuasive essay, it is time to support it with strong evidence and fact to maintain the vision of an author. Keep in mind your core purpose to argue with your readers and prove to them you are right. It is crucial to make your body paragraphs not only persuasive but also cohesive, so use specific words to bind together your thoughts. Make sure that you edit all important details that support your vision: facts, examples, statistics, names, dates, and other crucial information. Also, pay attention to concession statements that present the opposite views that you must prove wrong and defend your own evidence.
Effective Conclusion
Some students do not pay enough attention to the effective conclusion of a persuasive essay. However, sometimes this final section of the paper serves to convince readers totally. An effective conclusion of a persuasive essay is an element that might summarize essential ideas and arguments, restating the main phases and proving them correct. Describe your position briefly once again. Suggest your readers generate their own position on a stated case. It is not forbidden to use quotations in the conclusion or ask questions to your audience.
Revise your Essay
After you finish writing your paper, it is time to edit and revise it. Do it if you need to reorganize and modify something in your persuasive essay. Read the paper several times and try to imagine yourself on the side of your readers to ensure that your arguments are strong and persuasive. Correct all the mistakes, including stylistic errors. Check the correctness of written numbers, dates, and names. Update spelling and punctuation and obligatorily check your paper for plagiarism.
We hope you have enough information now to make your papers perfect! Good luck!