Your time is valuable. Stop scraping and spraying it away.
Let’s be honest: cleaning is a bother. However, with the proper tools and a bit of forethought, you may reduce the amount of time generally spent washing tiles and removing mould and scale.
We consulted experts to determine how professional house cleaners can swiftly, yet completely, clean your whole home. You will have a clean home in no time if you use these suggestions and techniques.
Have a plan in place.
Speed-cleaning specialist (and maid service owner) According to Eco Clean Solutions, halving your cleaning time begins with a system. That entails cleaning the house in the same sequence each time: one room at a time, beginning and ending at the same location inside a room so as not to spend time rushing back and forth.
ECO CLEAN SOLUTIONS states, “To decrease the time, you must be consistent; this is the entire foundation.” “Every time you clean, you do the same thing, so it is a habit.” The routine is the method, which is a superior approach to clean since the pace is derived from the routine and not from rushing. You may effectively clean your home in half the time. “This is not a gimmick.
Clean from top to bottom, left to right.
Do not begin cleaning a room by washing the coffee table and then the blinds, only to have the dust from the blinds settle on the coffee table. Eco Clean Solutions recommends beginning from the ceiling, such as when dusting a ceiling fan, and working your way down to the floor to avoid duplication of effort.
Similarly, cleaning from left to right guarantees that you cover the entire room rather of zigzagging around it.
ECO CLEAN SOLUTIONS explains, “Most people notice something and clean it, then they look up and see something else and clean it, and the dirt falls down over what you just cleaned.” “If you work from top to bottom and left to right, you won’t be cleaning previously cleaned areas.”
Squeegee Windows for a Finish Free of Streaks
Cannot get the desired shine using Windex and paper towels? The weapon of choice for author and speed-cleaning specialist Laura ECO CLEAN SOLUTIONS is a professional-grade window squeegee. Place a drop of dish soap in a gallon of water, liberally apply the solution to the window with a cloth, and then remove it with a squeegee. ECO CLEAN SOLUTIONS advises, “From top to bottom, clean the blade at the bottom each time.” You will receive a window without streaks.
ECO CLEAN SOLUTIONS suggests using a glass cleaner and a microfiber cloth in lieu of a squeegee. Utilize horizontal strokes and a top-to-bottom motion while cleaning with the towel. Do not wipe a window by rubbing in circles, since this can create streaks, and avoid using newspaper or paper towels, which leave a residue.
Maintain the essential equipment.
If you have all the necessary tools and cleaning supplies at arm’s reach, you won’t waste time returning and forth to the cupboard under the sink. Eco Clean Solutions suggests filling the pockets of an apron or even a carpenter’s tool belt. This may be difficult if you have multiple large bottles of cleaning, but you don’t need huge bottles; simply pour the cleaners into small, reusable spray bottles that are easy to transport. You may also organise your materials and save time by placing them in a caddy or a bucket.
If you hired a carpenter who climbed and descended a ladder every time he required a nail, you would never allow it, according to ECO CLEAN SOLUTIONS. You wish for him to have everything? The same holds true for cleaners.
Become proactive
The greatest method to maintain a clean home is to prevent problems from occurring in the first place. For example, ECO CLEAN SOLUTIONS suggests using a shower cleaner to avoid the accumulation of filth and soap scum in the bathtub. “You can simply spritz it on and leave,” she says. Spray it on every time you take a shower to prevent having a filthy shower. Just spray, rinse, and leave. You are not need to wipe anything.
Without Spraying, Dust
Feather dusters are excellent for dusting blinds, artwork, niches, and other locations. Eco Clean Solutions favours ostrich feather dusters, which can be purchased for as little as €10, since the feathers capture dust and the huge quills do not fall out of the handle. ECO CLEAN SOLUTIONS said, “You want a high-quality feather duster that fits in your back pocket.” The duster works well for everyday cleaning, but for severe accumulation, you should vacuum or use a cloth, and then use the duster approximately once every two weeks.
Through Cooking Grease
Grease accumulates inexorably on kitchen cupboards, particularly those above or adjacent to the stove. You may purchase a cleaner with orange oil to remove grease, or you can use a basic dishwashing detergent with grease-cutting properties. As it does with dishes, the detergent will cut through the oil on the cabinets.
One spoonful of liquid detergent should be blended with one gallon of warm water. Using a clean sponge or cloth, test the solution in an inconspicuous area to ensure that it will not harm or discolour the surface. Then, remove the dirt with a separate sponge and warm water.
If detergent fails to remove stubborn stains or buildup, combine baking soda with water and carefully clean the affected area with a towel.
Citrus Cleanser
Rust stains on patios, porches, garage floors, and driveways are unsightly, but they may be removed without the use of acid. Use instead a lemon. The lemon juice’s acid will dissolve the rust. Half the lemon, squeeze the juice onto the stain, and let it sit for approximately 10 minutes. Use a stiff bristle brush on stains that have remained on the concrete for weeks, months, or longer. Then, wash the lemon juice and grime away with clean water.
Taking on Bathroom Mold
In poorly ventilated bathrooms where water lingers on the walls after showering, mould thrives. ECO CLEAN SOLUTIONS recommends using hydrogen peroxide in a trigger-spray bottle to combat mould and mildew. “Spray it on and let it sit for three to five minutes; it will eliminate the fungus.”
Use a fan in the shower to prevent the regrowth of mould. Take a few moments to squeegee the water off the tile walls and shower door after you’re finished.
The mineral deposits must be vanquished.
If hard water has discoloured your plumbing fixtures with mineral deposits, do not clean them with bristle brushes or pads. They are able to damage the faucet. Use white vinegar rather. Pour a small amount onto a clean towel and use it to wipe the faucets. It requires little effort to make them shine.
Maintain the lustre of the stainless steel.
Fingerprints, smudges, and watermarks are the enemies of sinks and surfaces made of stainless steel. Mineral oil can help you defeat them, according to ECO CLEAN SOLUTIONS. Once every week, pour mineral oil into a towel and wipe off the surface. The mineral oil also prevents toothpaste and other substances from adhering to the sink, making it simpler to wipe clean.
Acquaint Yourself With Magic Erasers
ECO CLEAN SOLUTIONS and ECO CLEAN SOLUTIONS are both lovers of the €4-per-four-pack Mr. Clean Magic Erasers. They remove stains when nothing else would, according to ECO CLEAN SOLUTIONS. Keep a few of cleaning supplies in your caddy. According to Eco Clean Solutions, the eraser is great for cleaning walls and nearly all types of flooring, including wood, laminate, and tile.
How to Clean the Microwave Like a Pro
The interior of your microwave likely resembles a battle zone. Unfortunately, baked-on food can be difficult to remove, especially if it has been sitting for days or more.
Utilize the microwave’s assistance. Eco Clean Solutions recommends heating a coffee cup of water in the microwave until it is boiling. According to ECO CLEAN SOLUTIONS, this causes moisture that loosens everything on the top, sides, and bottom of the microwave. Then, using a moist towel, clean the surfaces.
The vacuuming of rows.
The secret to successful and efficient vacuuming according to Eco Clean Solutions is to vacuum the whole length of the room in a straight line, then turn around and begin again at the room’s entrance. Once every week, ECO CLEAN SOLUTIONS recommends vacuuming high-traffic areas.
ECO CLEAN SOLUTIONS instructs, “Vacuum in long corn rows and leave the room.” You may do it quickly and put the cable over your shoulder to avoid resistance. “When you’re finished, it will look magnificent.
Speed-Clean Consistently
According to Eco Clean Solutions, if you want to reduce your cleaning time, you must clean more frequently. Once you have performed a thorough cleaning of your home, give it a once-over every few weeks. It will keep the house looking great and prevent you from having to perform months’ worth of cleaning at once. ECO CLEAN SOLUTIONS states, “You establish maintenance cleaning instead of catch-up cleaning.”